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I'm humbled every time a bunch of people assemble to bring to life an idea I likely got while in the bathroom. Which reminds me of my very best, and quite only, writing advice. If you're stuck writing, drink lots of water. By the time you get to the john, the ideas will be flowing faster than, well, you can figure out the rest.
Talking Stick Resort invites you to Play In Style.
You can’t disguise the size.
The premier training facility meets a very eager trainee.
Some things are better together.
If only every conversation went like this.
Perfect for anywhere. Especially the outdoors.
Who are you sharing your secondhand smoke with?
We all have the power, thanks to Rocky Mountain Power.
No matter where a Thunderbird education takes you, the oath stays with you.
Bank with the 2nd largest credit union in AZ and you, too, can Be Onederful.
Sportiqe exists to make people feel comfortable.
You deserve to feel good, no matter where you are in life.
A noble anti-smoking mission. A hapless intergalactic crew.
Be careful what you ask for. You might get it.
Sunstrike has some explaining to do.
If you start, it won't stop.
There's nothing good about this kind of good morning.
Don't make it angry. You won't like it when it's angry.
All work shown was created with my creative colleagues during my time at RIESTER, a full-service ad agency in Phoenix, AZ, which produced this work. All assets and/or rights are owned by the clients who paid for them.
In here are a few pitch winners, a handful of award winners (One Show, CA, Addys plus others), and most importantly, a slew of great clients who allowed me to do the kind of work that first made me want to be a copywriter.
It’s your move.
Hey, write what you know.
Oh yes. A million times yes.
Indeed they are.
Let’s bank together.
Two looks are better than one.
This guy gets it.
Your pet doesn’t have to be liberal to prefer organic.
See Santa for real. Or prepare to deal.
Entertainment Elevated.
We don't need shots to shoot straight.
Nothing honors the victims of lab tests by cosmetic companies and Big Tobacco like a full page of obits next to the real human ones in major newspapers.
TP: “Siri, list web stuff I like to do.”
Siri: “Write sites, make videos, craft social media promos, manage fantasy football te…”
TP: “That’s enough, Siri.”
I rewrote a site to properly capture the awesome attitude of this kickass design firm.
A brief web video that explains how to win more contract work with CP.
A renewed commitment deserves a new kickoff video.
A banner supporting Talking Stick Resort's long-standing campaign reminds viewers, "Dreamers dream. Winners do."
This takeover shows how much a Sunday game watch at Talking Stick Resort crushes one on your couch.
In my creative projects, I love to imagine elaborate backstories for the characters--even when I know most of them will never see the screen. This actually did make it to the (computer) screen as additional online content in support of our ridiculous anti-tobacco web series.
Idahoan fans were invited to "play with their food" at Thanksgiving. Hundreds of entries and 50,000+ new Likes (a 100% increase for the brand) made this Facebook game a "mashing" success. was a site I wrote for Arizona's Bureau of Tobacco Education and Prevention. Concepted to be the "home of Addiction," the site featured numerous interactive elements designed to entertain and educate teens about the dangers of starting or using tobacco, including online games like "Emphysema Rally" and secret rooms like the "Hall of Fumes."
Outdoor boards, direct mail, posters, corporate brochures, 10,000-word sales pieces launching $100 million dollar capital campaigns--no problem. A little time, perhaps, but definitely no problem.
Experience life from a lifted point of view.
Everyone needs a tune-up once in awhile—some more than others.
Snip It or Ticket--An Historic Law for Pant Legs Everywhere.
Once you make up your mind, your body and soul will follow.
Unspayed Cats Are Bad Cats.
Visible from the front gate of the Texas State Fair.
If you’re saving, you’re on the right path.
Placed in dressing rooms of popular clothing stores. The message: "You can only do the all-black or vertical stripe thing for so long."
A direct mail piece you can use to see how close an FNB branch is to your doorstep.
Because bears hibernate. And you're not a bear.
Happy Holidays.
Your first line of defense against fires only takes a second. (Back included an offer for free batteries for your home fire alarms.)
Random pieces of TP.
I earned my MFA in Writing during the pandemic. The first story I ever wrote for the program, “Happy Hunting,” was named a Top 10 Finalist in SLAB’s Boggs Curry Fiction Contest.
Relationships can be brutal. Watch your back out there.
1 of 6 in an anti-tobacco video series that animates the words of an ex-Big Tobacco scientist. WINNER: BEST IN SHOW, Phoenix Addys.
Hit it. Hard.
I still love that the client loved this—my very first song.
Don't be "that guy."
I have written and produced a number of personal essays for Phoenix’s NPR station. This is still one of my faves.
From "back in the day" as a Miami Ad School student. Someone trying to be clever might say the C-SPAN ad earned an A+ from the NY Art Directors Club, and a real pun-lover might say the Lava campaign cleaned up at the Addys. But I mostly try to avoid clever puns. Mostly.
If you want moisturizer, pick a scab.
Why manicure starts with man, we'll never know.
Watch the foul-mouthed children run.
Reduces friction.
Keep your eye on The Man. In this case, the Criminal Records of the U.S. Congress.